Self-care is incredibly important to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue. As teachers, our job is to take care of and support students, but we can't do that if we are not taking care of ourselves and our mental health. Engaging in self-care practices as a preservice teacher allows me to effectively provide a safe and caring environment for all students  (Kendrick, Kapoyannis, & Pagaling, 2024)

Teaching is heartwork (Kendrick, Kapoyannis, & Pagaling, 2024), and it is incredibly important to practice self-care in our daily lives to be able to best support students. The one bit of advice I have been given is to practice a proper work-life balance, to get done what I can during the day, and to minimize the intrusion of work at home. This is a difficult task to undertake for any preservice teacher, but something I wish to get better at to support my physical and mental well-being.                     

Strategies to support physical health

Strategies to support mental health

Strategies to support action and accountablility 

Available Interventions





Educational worker

Self-Care Calendar

March 2024

Self-Care Calendar

April 2024